Magnolia Bouquet Candle
The Sweetest Scent of Spring
Gift a floral bouquet with a scent made to last
Skip the heavy vase and send this elegant frosted-glass candle. Fill the room with hues of fresh magnolia and rose; enriched by ripe fruit, hints of pepper, and musky woods in a subtle floral bouquet. This candle is 2.1 by 2.1 by 2.75 and the candle vessel is packaged in a box: perfect for shipping!
A combination of floral and fruity? Spring has sprung!
about the company
APOTHEKE was founded in 2011 by wife/husband duo Chrissy Fichtl and Sebastian Picasso. Beginning by sourcing essential oils directly from farms in the Hamptons, Fichtl taught herself about the beauty of essential oils and soap making. In 2012, they opened their first factory in Brooklyn, NY. Today, APOTHEKE products are available at Nordstrom, West Elm, Whole Foods, Bloomingdales, CB2, and Crate & Barrel.
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