Goat Milk Caramels

Sweet tastes for a sweet friend

Everything about this caramel is made with love–and you can taste it. From the goats that helped make this (their names are Gertrude & Orion) to the pretty little pops-of-pink packaging, we love everything about these bites of heaven.

gift price: $3.00


Big Picture Farms has a gift for absolutely divine caramel. Armed with a team of goats and the most amazing scenic farm in Townshend, Vermont, Louisa, Lucas and their team have truly perfected the art of delicious tastes. A perfect blend of tasty and adorable, these caramels are handmade using only local and organic ingredients. 5 caramels / pack. High quality and GMO-free (duh!)

Explosions of sea salt vanilla caramel flavor promise to be met with big smiles.

about the company

Started in 2010 by Louisa Conrad and Lucas Farrell, Big Picture Farm is a small hillside goat dairy and farmstead confectionery and creamery in southern Vermont. Their award-winning goat milk caramels and farmstead cheeses are made with fresh, raw, creamy goat’s milk from our herd of 40 healthy and happy, free-ranging companions. www.bigpicturefarm.com

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