Meiko Matcha

Matcha Green Tea

This hearty ceremonial-grade matcha brews a deeply rich emerald green cordial with robust body, sweet-savory undertones and a bouquet of floral notes and delicate tannins.

gift price: $14.00


Iridescent green in color, Meiko™ is masterfully blended to create a well-defined, flavorsome brew with sweet, mellow top notes. This matcha is characterized by its remarkable ooika fragrance, a captivatingly refreshing aroma found only in the most exceptional shade-grown green tea. Perfect to be brewed on its own.

A brilliant boost of energy with the taste to match(a).

about the company

Matchaeologist® (抹茶オロジスト), purveyors of artisanal matcha green tea. Their approach is to introduce a modern perspective to the ancient tradition of the Japanese tea ceremony while providing ongoing education on the joys to be found in the daily drinking of this remarkable beverage.

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